The Faith of an Atheist

Atheist 2

Atheism  Disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods

Faith is the assurance that what we hope for will come about and the certainty that what we cannot see exists Hebrews 11:1 (ISV)

Big bang theory is the major world formation theory believed by most atheists because it removes the role of God in World formation.

A curious look at the Big Bang led me to discover some ambiguities and loop holes in theory here are some:

    (NB this is an oversimplified version)

  1. A packet of energy Smaller than an atom blew up and created all the energy our universe today runs on. Where did the energy packet come from?
  2. Stars begin to form, the formed stars blow up (Supernova) while new ones are formed while this happens denser elements necessary for life on earth are formed. Intelligent aren’t they
  3. The sun our perfect star is formed. Perfectly distanced to support human life that would come over 3 billion years later.  Coincidence?
  1. A few billion years later our earth is formed; an asteroid hits our newly formed home and tilts it to an angle. This tilt gives us our seasons. Coincidence?
  2. The asteroid becomes our moon; its gravitational field reduces the speed of the earth’s rotation from 6hrs/day to our present day 24hr/day cycle. Coincidence?
  3. Overtime Microbes in the water learn how to synthesize energy from the sun to produce oxygen as a by-product. Where did the bacteria come from? The original big bang released only energy.
  4. This oxygen produced eventually rises out of the water, fills the atmosphere and ozone is formed overtime, the glorious ozone that shields us from the sun’s dangerous rays. Coincidence?
  5. Our glorious earth is ready

These few points make you stop and ponder, how can someone believe all these? How can one purposely deny the evidence in front of him. The only logical conclusion that could arise from all this asides the presence of a supreme being is that the earth on its own is intelligent , in order to plan all this in the right sequence. Random events cannot bring this kind of sophisticated order form disorder.

Creationists take the easy road, they just believe that God did it and that solves the whole issue and they are called simple because they chose to believe in someone that they can’t see and can’t prove.

Atheists take the harder route they chose to believe that all these events just happened, that’s a whole lot of faith. That’s more faith than simply believing that a supreme being did all this.

The litmus test for an atheist is the absence of faith; all things must be proved empirically. Yet the very basis of their existence is riddled with large chunks of good old fashioned faith. Who then is simple?

18 thoughts on “The Faith of an Atheist

  1. Science does not mandate the absence of God. As you may know, Georges Lemaitre, author of the “big bang” theory, was a Catholic priest. Both Johannes Kepler and Isaac Newton saw mathematical laws as evidence for the existence of God. Initially, there were theologians who viewed Darwin’s theory of evolution as pointing to a wiser Creator than they had imagined. Prof. John Brooke of Oxford put it this way, “A lesson that history emphatically teaches is that scientific theories are not born with implications, but have implications thrust upon them.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 1. It was an expansion, not an explosion. The most likely hypothesis is that the energy existed indefinitely due to the laws of space and time being absent.

    2. I would hardly call hydrogen fusing into helium intelligent. It’s just a natural process, and it’s called nuclear fusion.

    3. The sun is far from perfect, and within 5 billion years time it will expand to consume our planet. Also, the earth would be 36% further away from the sun and still support life. Granted, specific criteria must be met for life to form, but there are 200 discovered planets that could support life.

    4. I think that you are referring to Thea us and forming the moon, this may not have given the earth it’s tilt – in fact many planet have all sorts of tilts. Thea crashing into us is supported by the presence of similar materials present on both earth and the moon.

    5. This is what always happens. a moon will pull on water on a planet’s surface, producing friction and slowing the planet down. This is not dependent on probability.

    6. The microbes formed from chemical, this is called abiogenesis. As for energy turning into matter, this is possible and has been observed to happen.

    7. Again, not a ‘coincidence’. Any time when oxygen and ultraviolet light interact it will create o3, which is the stuff the ozone is made out of


      • This faith is not religious faith, rather, it is faith in the definition of trust, where I have trust in the scientific method.
        Furthermore, this hypothesis is based on logic and the way we understand energy, time and space, we did not find this hypothesis written down in an ancient book made by primitive humans.


      • What you said is confusing at best, and ridiculous at worst. You’re tripping over yourself trying to justify something that you have no grounds to prove. You say it’s not religious faith but trust! What’s the difference! It’s blind trust, like the woman whose husband is cheating saying “I trust my man”. Good for her and good for you. Doesn’t mean that the thing you trust is worthy of that trust!


      • The scientific method is an extremely reliable and logical system that has enabled our species to answer some very important questions. The way we figure out these things has been proven to work, and I trust that the scientific method is reliable based on its previous success. This is one of the reasons I accept evolution, abiogenesis and the Big Bang.


  3. Your own definition of atheism is: “Disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.” How do you infer from that belief in the Big Bang model? Just because an atheist does not believe that God started the universe does not mean that the atheist must assume the counter position that you’ve posited. They could be agnostic about the beginnings of the universe and say, “I don’t know how it started.” You cannot infer from a person’s identifying as an atheist that they believe in the Big Bang.


    • Also, even if the Big Bang model were completely wrong it wouldn’t mean that the atheist position is wrong. So trying to prove the theist position or demonstrate it as more ‘reasonable’ by attacking the Big Bang model is sort of a bad way to go about things.


      • That strikes me as a somewhat inconsequential objection. You stated the definition and I could only assume given the context that you agree with it. Oxford or not, it has little bearing on anything I wrote.


  4. It is a fact that almost everything in the universe not only kills us, but it kills us instantly…does it make more sense that someone intelligent, from before time, created this “safe” planet (the majority of places are inhospitable for human life) where he placed his humans…or that we are simply the result of random events and evolution….

    God sounds really sadistic when you think about it


  5. Thanks for the comment
    But its really hard to believe that we are part of a large cosmic coincidence and creation which so specific happened just as a result of random events.


  6. I see your points but there’s no faith to atheism, anything which we cannot explain such as the first bacteria cell, we accept that we are yet to discover how this happened. It takes way more faith to believe an God has ALWAYS existed, I mean there’s an obvious fault in that route of thinking as he is more intelligent then anything on earth according to belief so why should he be exempt from creation. Also we do not believe that the earth was made for humans to live on so all those ‘coincidences’ we’re not what had to happen for us to live here. There’s an unlimited possibility of ways the universe could be right now, and we are one of just many creatures which have adapted to it in this situation. But I can see all the logic behind your points.


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