What if?


To whom it may concern,

What if you were wrong and all they said about Jesus was true?

What if you were wrong and we don’t just fade away when we die?

What if you were wrong and there really is a heaven and hell?

What if you were wrong and Jesus was the only way?

What if you were wrong and God really could heal all that pain?

What if you were wrong and good deeds was never the way to heaven?

What if you were wrong and there really was a loving God in heaven?

What if you were wrong and Jesus really was the only way?

You may ask, what if I am the one who is wrong?

If I am wrong and there is no God ( that means I enjoyed my imagination of Him and saw great manifestations and miracles happen from my imagination).

If I am wrong and  God can’t heal my pain ( that means i believed a lie and the pain went away anyways)

If I am wrong and Jesus isn’t the only way ( at least I found one way)

If I am wrong and there’s neither heaven nor hell ( we’ll I am enjoying life and living it to the fullest).

The truth is that we both can’t be right someone has to be right and another wrong. Usually before any decision is made risks and rewards are weighed to ensure that the consequence of every action or inaction can be carried, and the benefit/pleasure derived supersedes the sacrifice.

In case you’re contemplating and considering decamping to my side. Its so simple. The Bible says, *[[Rom 10:9]] BBE* if you say with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and have faith in your heart that God has made him come back from the dead, you will have salvation:

That’s it, that’s all. Consider wisely, God bless.

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The King of Trees

Once upon a time the trees decided to choose a king.
First they said to the olive tree,
Be our king!’
But the olive tree refused, saying,
‘Should I quit producing the olive oil
that blesses both God and people,
just to wave back and forth over the trees?’
“Then they said to the fig tree,
‘You be our king!’
But the fig tree also refused, saying,
‘Should I quit producing my sweet fruit
just to wave back and forth over the trees?’
“Then they said to the grapevine,
‘You be our king!’
But the grapevine also refused, saying,
‘Should I quit producing the wine
that cheers both God and people,
just to wave back and forth over the trees?’
“Then all the trees finally turned to the thornbush and said,
‘Come, you be our king!’
And the thornbush replied to the trees,
‘If you truly want to make me your king,
come and take shelter in my shade.
If not, let fire come out from me
and devour the cedars of Lebanon.’”

Three sets of people are represented in this story.
The first set which comprises of the grape and olive, typify those who understand their purpose and dual roles in life ( their roles towards God and man).

The second category is that which the fig tree falls into. Those who understand only a singular purpose, their purpose to man alone.

The third category is that which the thorn bush falls under, those who are ignorant of their purpose, both to God and man. They are oblivious of their reason for creation.

All the trees were asked to be king, a “noble” cause but the first three refused because they understood that their purpose was different and waving back and forth over trees didn’t fit into their purpose.

The thornbush proposed a deal “come and take shelter in my shade” .
Have you seen a thorn bush?



It possesses a few leaves and it’s thorns prick and choke anything that comes too close.  Because of its design it is inept to carry out any leadership position in the tree world. For the major duty of the king of trees is to wave  back and forth, unfortunately this short, leafless thornbush could not sway. Hence, the least likely candidate for the job.

“Come and take shelter under my shade, if not let fire come out from me and destroy the cedars of Lebanon”

Of all the trees in this story the cedars were the most prestigious they were often used as yardsticks for riches, they were the prime trees.

The cedars initiated the search for a king, unlike the fig, olive and grape trees which produce fruits that were consumed, the cedars found their greatest use in death, for they were used for constructing houses and temples. For the cedar to initiate the kingly search they most likely knew their purpose and understood that they couldn’t be king, but, from their design, cedars had the capacity to wave back and forth as king.

Come and take shelter under my shade, if not let fire come out from me and destroy the cedars of Lebanon”

The thornbush gave a condition that the cedars couldn’t fulfill. Since cedars were taller than thorn bushes they couldn’t fit under the thornbushes to take shade (besides the thorn bushes didn’t have enough leaves to provide shade). An impossible condition and the only alternative was a curse. The cedars were in a fix, they got to a point of no return. 

             The parable ends here.

The thorn bush acted as an instrument of cruelty, it didn’t understand its purpose and saw only the destruction it could perpetrate. It did not see any service it could render  to either man or God, all it saw were its thorns that destroys.

But the thornbush was much  more than an instrument of destruction, it had the capacity to protect both man and his crops, because it’s ideal for making natural fences that prevents pests and discourages thieves, unfortunately, it didn’t know.
Amongst all the trees in the parable only one was present in the world’s most significant event (the death of Jesus). One of the trees was unwillingly forced into a crown and placed on Jesus’ head to torment and mock Him. The poor thornbush still served as an instrument of destruction to pierce the saviour’s  head.
But here’s the twist.

*[[Isa 53:5]] KJV* But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

The wounds and the bruises that the thorn    inflicted on Christ was for man’s good, it performed the most nobel of all services. It ushered in a new dawn for man. For that reason almost all pictures depicting the crucifixion of our savior has the thornbush in it, resting on the Savior’s head. Finally it has fulfilled purpose.




Only if the thorn bush knew this, it would never have been bitter and would have proudly replied to the cedars
Should I quit providing security for man and quit being an instrument to accomplish God’s purpose. Just to wave back and forth over trees.
We were all created to fulfill a service to God and man. No one is created to be destructive, all men have purpose.
                              FIND IT

Parable of jotham Judges 9:8-15



Slowly and Steadily it grows
Steadfast as a rooster that crows
Creeps up at you when you’re alone
Becomes you like a clone

Overwhelming is the joy it brings
In your heart, bells it rings
Your soul sings,
Your spirit soars on Eagles’ wings

Fair as a meadow
Yet dark as a shadow
The Joy much overwhelming
Yet, the pain not underwhelming

Nevertheless, we travail not
When He is the Author
But immense sorrow is thy lot
When thou art thy mentor

For it is too deep
For our minds so shallow
Our eyes on Him must we keep
And His steps must we follow

For in Him shall we not stumble
Neither shall our steps falter
We ought remain humble
And His principles not alter

For God is love
Love, more gentle than a dove
With Him, Love is glorious
For He is Love, and He is glorious

Laura Brightson

Live life.


We often get carried away by the pursuit of money and forget to live life. We fight, bicker, quarrel, back stab all to get ahead and maybe add a few extra zeros to our accounts, yet we forget to live life.
We toil, toil, toil some more, just to buy a nice house and at the end live unhappy and unfulfilled.
It’s rightly said that the best things in life are free. Find them and live life to its full.

Live life,
Love life,
Love God,
Money is good but bless others with it.
Life is more than money
Smile often, appreciate the sun.
Dance in the rain, make a joke.
Lessen your guard, make a friend, be a friend
Help someone in need, laugh at a joke.
Call an old friend, watch nature.
Above all love God.
Life is beautiful.


*[[Luk 12:15]] KJV* And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.