Nature, God’s handwriting


Romans 1:20 New Living Translation (NLT)
For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

It’s interesting how God placed markers in the world to reveal Himself to men. Any unbiased look at creation shows clearly God’s handiwork.

I recently came across a number of animal and plant facts and I’ll share two to buttress my point.

Merlet’s Scorpionfish


Merlet’s Scorpionfish ( Rhinopias Aphanes ) have a variety of other names, many of which include the word “lacy”. This is because they have a considerable amount of tentacles and skin flaps, as well as an unusual shape overall, which gives them their so-called lacy look. They use all of these factors to look like plant life, blending in with coral reefs. They will stay still for hours until they get an opportunity to jump out, and inhale their prey with their enormous mouths.

Plant ultraviolet


Most people agree that flowers are pretty. While they are mere adornments to us they are vital to the plants themselves and to the insects which feed from them. The flowers are there to encourage pollination by insects so it makes sense that they should stand out in some way to help insects find them. In the case of flowers pollinated by bees there is far more to their appearance than meets the (human) eye. Such flowers viewed in the ultraviolet spectrum often reveal patterns designed to draw in the bees. Bees do not see the world as we do they have a different range of visible light (blue and green) than we do and have a set of cells specifically for the detection of ultraviolet.
Articles obtained from

Some people attribute these and more to evolution. I say it’s creative design.
The specificity of nature is there to reveal God’s majesty and if you look back and keep looking backwards you’ll get to a point that you must find God, because there’s always a point that you’ll be overwhelmed with the beauty of creation and the deeper you look into creation the more you see the signature of the Divine.

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