

Slowly and Steadily it grows
Steadfast as a rooster that crows
Creeps up at you when you’re alone
Becomes you like a clone

Overwhelming is the joy it brings
In your heart, bells it rings
Your soul sings,
Your spirit soars on Eagles’ wings

Fair as a meadow
Yet dark as a shadow
The Joy much overwhelming
Yet, the pain not underwhelming

Nevertheless, we travail not
When He is the Author
But immense sorrow is thy lot
When thou art thy mentor

For it is too deep
For our minds so shallow
Our eyes on Him must we keep
And His steps must we follow

For in Him shall we not stumble
Neither shall our steps falter
We ought remain humble
And His principles not alter

For God is love
Love, more gentle than a dove
With Him, Love is glorious
For He is Love, and He is glorious

Laura Brightson

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