What if?


To whom it may concern,

What if you were wrong and all they said about Jesus was true?

What if you were wrong and we don’t just fade away when we die?

What if you were wrong and there really is a heaven and hell?

What if you were wrong and Jesus was the only way?

What if you were wrong and God really could heal all that pain?

What if you were wrong and good deeds was never the way to heaven?

What if you were wrong and there really was a loving God in heaven?

What if you were wrong and Jesus really was the only way?

You may ask, what if I am the one who is wrong?

If I am wrong and there is no God ( that means I enjoyed my imagination of Him and saw great manifestations and miracles happen from my imagination).

If I am wrong and  God can’t heal my pain ( that means i believed a lie and the pain went away anyways)

If I am wrong and Jesus isn’t the only way ( at least I found one way)

If I am wrong and there’s neither heaven nor hell ( we’ll I am enjoying life and living it to the fullest).

The truth is that we both can’t be right someone has to be right and another wrong. Usually before any decision is made risks and rewards are weighed to ensure that the consequence of every action or inaction can be carried, and the benefit/pleasure derived supersedes the sacrifice.

In case you’re contemplating and considering decamping to my side. Its so simple. The Bible says, *[[Rom 10:9]] BBE* if you say with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and have faith in your heart that God has made him come back from the dead, you will have salvation:

That’s it, that’s all. Consider wisely, God bless.

5 thoughts on “What if?

  1. So is that line from the Bible enough to convince you?
    We both can’t be right. However there are thousands of other Gods to also consider. It isn’t a choice simply between the Christian God and nothing at all.


      • Correct. There are hundreds of millions of people who follow Shiva (a Hindu diety). No point making a statement like ‘What if you were wrong and all they said about Jesus was true?’ if you don’t also consider it for the hundreds, or probably thousands, of other gods that people believe in. With so many choices, I’ll go for the one that has lots of evidence – a scientific, non-religious view of the universe.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah, that’s why it is written to “whom it may concern”
        It doesn’t apply to everyone, just someone who holds the views on the other side of the “what if”


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