Wedding bands and Heaven’s bells


Jesus said that in heaven we would be like angels, not marrying and given to marriage.
      Marriage is usually a function of a deep love bond between a man and a woman. It was instituted in Genesis 2 after Adam met Eve, there, the institution of marriage was  prophesied, and formed. Marriage, according to Paul symbolises the union between Christ and His  bride; which is the church, and that union is based also on a strong love bond.
     Here on earth, our love for God is limited. Limited because of the level of knowledge we have and our imperfect nature. Due to this imperfection, the concept of bowing down to God regularly like the 24 elders strikes us as weird. And then, there’s the question of ‘What we would do in heaven apart from Worship?”
    Two people at the “peak of  love” never get tired or weary of being in the other person’s presence, they relish each other’s company. They virtually live to be with each other. This is a typification of worship.
     A song writer wrote “when we see Him as He is, we’ll love Him as we ought”. Hence, there’s a level of loving we ought to get to that we are yet to attain because we haven’t caught a full revelation of Christ. However, in heaven, we shall know all things.

*[[1Co 13:9]] BBE* For our knowledge is only in part, and the prophet’s word gives only a part of what is true:
*[[1Co 13:12]] BBE* For now we see things in a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now my knowledge is in part; then it will be complete, even as God’s knowledge of me.

The above scripture was written with love as its subject. Our knowledge of love is in part but when the incomplete nature of our knowledge of love is done away with, we’ll know and love God in full.
That’s why the wedding feast of the lamb is for the marriage of Christ with the church: “two love birds”. For in heaven our love for God would know no bounds and supersede all the love we have ever felt for anyone we’ve ever loved, put together.

*[[Rom 7:3]] KJV* So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man.

To get to heaven we must leave this earth( hence death or its forms). Hence, we are all legally single and by the reason of love or the strength of love bonds, our only possible marriage partner would be Christ, because our love for Him would surpass every other possible love relationship including that of our earthly spouse. We would be fully His and Him, ours.

Here’s an example:
If a poor and hungry man is given Ten Thousand Naira, he’d clutch it like gold and thank you like you’re God’s incarnate. But if while he’s still holding on to the money, someone else comes with a billion naira, He’d quickly discard the 10, 000 for the billion when he’s asked to choose. This is because the lesser is contained in the greater. The satisfaction derivable from owning the initial sum would be met by the billion naira and a greater satisfaction which he may not have ever known would also be gained. The satisfaction derivable in loving Christ would supersede any other love relationship we have experienced.

I think this may be a reason why marriage is not obtainable in heaven. Nevertheless I know in parT.

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